Friday, November 23, 2012

2 Weeks to go

So here we are, less than 2 weeks to signover of the land.

Urban Edge has done their soil sampling already, our conveyancer and bank are sorting out all the documents with us in a mad dash - how ironic that we've waiting 1.5 years for the land to be ready, and now it's a suddent rush to get everything sorted for December 4.

There was a hiccough of course... Nobody sent the bank updated copies of any of the contracts, and having told the bank back in July that the lot numbers had changed, and having so many delays in the land titling, our case was not updated and the staff forgot about the our valuation was done on the NEW lot 11010...whereas ours is now 11035.  So there was another rush to get the valuers out there again to get it right, and to get all the contracts, etc. updated to the correct lot number.

Having never bought land+house in Australia before, we weren't really aware of the entire process that takes place, so didn't get a conveyancer early - why would you when the titling date has been pushed out month-by-month for 6 months?  Even the staff at our bank changed in that time.

Going to have a bit of a crazy few days getting all the documents sorted out.

Looking forward to actually getting the construction underway.